Thursday, December 26, 2013


There is no denying the fact that resources, especially financial ought to be available if any volunteerism of any sort must work successful. Even though in volunteerism, those who take part are not expected to be paid but it is equally true that they must be given some sort of allowance to sustain them in terms of feeding, lodging and transportation during the volunteerism period.
 Youth in voluntary service
As part of a series of articles that looks at the role young people and for that matter the youth can play in nation building. Today’s article will take a cursory look at how the youth of mother Ghana  can contribute significantly to nation building through volunteerism and patriotism. Two key ingredients essential to nation building.
Indeed, Volunteerism is used globally as a tool for developing active citizens, fostering national cohesion, and creating opportunities for skills development and application among the young people. There is the need to make volunteerism attractive to young people and inspire patriotism to contribute to building mother Ghana.
Indeed, if there is any group of people that are active, energetic, strong and filled with all the energy, it is the youth .but many of the times the potential, skills or this exceptional and much talked about energy is not harnessed to promote development or growth.
I must say without any iota of doubt in my mind that one way this energy and skills and potential of the youth can be used effectively is through volunteerism.
Indeed, many will argue that there is already a sort of volunteerism in place for the youth of Ghana through the establishment of the national service scheme (NSS). A compulsory six months attachment or service to the nation after tertiary education. Yes, this to some extent enables majority of the youth to contribute their quota to the service and development of their nation but it has many challenges and loopholes which must be addressed. The kind of volunteerism am talking about should be holistic and not restricted to only the tertiary sector but at all levels of the educational spectrum. Now this article will explore how the youth can contribute to building our nation Ghana through volunteerism and volunteerism and what role the government can play to ensure that this becomes a reality.
To promote volunteerism and patriotism among the youth of Ghana. The Government  in collaboration with other stakeholders will have to take the following measures;
First and foremost, resources ought to be allocated to youth volunteerism .
Secondly, facilitate private sector support for youth volunteerism. The private sector must also be roped in any attempts to promote volunteerism and nation building. The private sector must be encouraged to support youth volunteerism initiatives financially and in kind. It is not a hidden fact that this sector has a huge financial muscle and potential that is capable of supporting youth volunteerism across the nation.
Also, efforts must be made by the government to include youth volunteerism in all levels of the educational programmes. The current situation in our nation is that only those who finish tertiary engage in the national service. This trend must be reversed to include all levels of the educational spectrum, those at the secondary level and other levels must be encouraged to take part in volunteering activities during the holidays, particularly the long vacs and the ministry of education must take charge to inculcate this as part of the curricula such that extra grade points or marks could be obtained by those who engage in such initiatives. 
Then again, inculcate the spirit of patriotism and volunteerism
Lastly, Develop leadership potentials among the youth through volunteerism.



Agriculture, is undoubtedly Ghana’s most important and dominant economic sector with huge potential,employing more than half the population on formal and informal basis  and accounting for almost half of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and export earnings.The sector in this regard contributes significantly to reducing poverty and achieving economic growth.
The sector which is divided into five sub-sectors(cocoa, crops other than livestock, fisheries and forestry) though, it is bedeviled with a lot of challenges such as low productivity,little or no access to credit or financial resources and modern technologies  and  post harvest losses among others, it still contributes tremendously to economic and national development and growth.
This article, I must say will explore the role the youth of Ghana can play to reverse this seemingly unfortunate trend and what specific contribution they make in that regard.
Indeed, it is not a hidden fact that when agriculture is mentioned, many of today’s youth shy away from it, obviously because of reasons best known to them. Indeed, many are those who attribute this profession to the illiterates and the downtrodden in society. They do not see it as a job for the graduate and do not think that by their actions they are contributing negatively to the reduction in production of food for the sustenance of the Ghanaian people and the economy.
 Arguably, agriculture provides for a majority of Ghana’s population. Increased productivity in agriculture ensures food security and contributes immensely to the health and well-being of the people.
My question is what we do as a country to reverse this seemingly threatening attitude of the youth to agriculture? What do we do to encourage them to engage in agriculture?
 Youth using irrigation to enhance agric production
In an interview with Alberta Nana Akyaa Akosa, Exhibition Director of the National food and Agric show(FAGRO) on what can be done to encourage the youth to develop interest in agriculture  she indicated “that she strongly believes that there is the need to develop strong strategic interventions and approaches that will attract the youth to this sector, particularly youth in informal sector, the provision of resources for the participation of the youth in modern agriculture she said  should be a priority of the government and that the youth should take advantage of this where necessary to promote agriculture”
Indeed, I absolutely agree with her on the views expressed above. If as a nation we want the youth to be active participants in agriculture, then we must make it a national priority by investing hugely, in the provision of significant resources that will make it easier for them to participate. This should not be treated lightly at all, because the business of agriculture to a larger extent is capital intensive and one needs to have resource like land, equipments, fertilizers and access to water among others to ensure that he or she can be successful in such a venture.
We must as a nation, equally promote the participation of the youth in modern agriculture as a viable career opportunity for the youth and as economic and business option. The time where we promote the white color jobs as the only lucrative jobs available to the detriment of agricultural jobs should be a thing of the past. We must let the youth know that agriculture pays and really pays well. People who decide to pursue agriculture at the secondary, college and university levels as a course and career path must be given special incentives to encourage them and others to walk that path.
Then again, it is important to encourage people who are successful or people who make giant strides in agriculture to give open or public testimony of how agriculture is rewarding. This I strongly believe will serve as an antidote to encourage the youth to take up careers in agriculture.
It is my candid opinion that if efforts are not put in place to promote agriculture among the youth. The agricultural sector will be incapable of safeguarding income, employment and food supply and therefore unable to contribute in reducing poverty among the rural population thereby falling short of its current potential.
It is an undenying fact,that agriculture consitute a central objective of the Ghana Poverty Reduction Strategy (GPRS),whose main goal is to make Ghana become a middle income country by 2015.This dream is however a mirage than a reality given our current circumstances. For me however,I am highly optimistic that this strategy can be achieved through a vibrant,modernized and competitive agriculture industry of which the youth of Ghana have a centre role to play in ensuring that Ghana get positive results from this growing industry.
By Steve Kubate Salifu, the writer is a freelance Journalist and the Director of Media Relations of IHAV foundation.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013





  1. PWABERI DENIS WEDAM                                                       

  2 .KUUPUOLO EVA                                                                 

         3 .AGBEMAVA MABEL                                                              

  4. AZIZ FUSENA                                                                         

  5. STEPHEN Y.S.K SALIFU                                                   

                            DATE OF SUBMISSION; 23RD OCTOBER, 2013.

  Technology has modified and transformed many aspects of human life including the media. The technological transition from web 1.0 to web 2.0 has brought in its wake the invention of  highly accessible internet platforms called social media where interested  people link up, connect and share information with one another anywhere, anytime using mobile communication network and devices. The use of such platforms as twitter, facebook,blogger, digg and delicious make the transfer of texts, photos, audio, video and information in general increasingly fluid among internet users.( The increased level of interactivity  allows every member of the public to take part in the collection, processing and dissemination of news information, thus making them citizen journalists. It makes the once dormant audience play active roles in the manufacture of news information. Jay Rosen defines citizen journalism as ‘when the people formerly known as the audience employ their press tools they have in their possession to inform one another’ (Wikipedia).
            Setting this innovation in the era of the traditional media, also known as legacy media, which only consisted of old traditional means of communication and expression that have existed since before the advent of the new media of the internet industries, its effects are obvious. It affects the traditional media houses as well as their production because of manner in which citizen journalists use the social media to disseminate information, interact freely, and give instantaneous feedback, without one person controlling the entire activity. Having established a premise with the overview of social media, citizen journalist/journalism and traditional media, the document continues to take a critical look at how twitter, facebook, blogger and other social media affect the activities of television, newspaper, radio and other traditional media production and of course to consider how the latter have positioned and are positioning itself .
     First and foremost, citizen journalists’ use of the social media has lessen the power the traditional media had to play their gate keeping and agenda setting roles. The “autocratic” power that traditional media houses had in choosing news worthy and salient issues, have been “democratized” by citizen journalists who engage in journalistic practices. The effect is that the traditional media does no longer have that sole power to tell the public what is news, because the agenda is sometimes set by the audiences per their contributions on the social platform. Likewise with the salient issues because a great deal of the news information comes from the public.
     Again, by the use of the social media by citizen journalists, there has emerged a new orientation about the timeliness of news, so that the public does not consider news from the traditional media as timely. Before a traditional media house sends a reporter to an incident scene to cover a story and then pass through an editorial process before it is aired, a citizen journalist by the use of the social media might have broken that same story long before the reporter even got to the scene. For instance, I got to know about the Achimota Melcom collapse on facebook before hearing on radio, television and newspapers.
     Also, citizens’s use of the social media for journalistic purposes has also affected the public’s patronage for the traditional media for various reasons;
i.Unlike the social media where audience or the public can always archive for information they have missed, information on the traditional media, except newspapers is transient and fleeting; once you miss it, you can’t get it again.
ii.Whereas citizen journalists use social media to give first hand information in its virgin form, the traditional media gives second or third hand information that is often edited.
iii.When it comes to the issue of proximity, citizen journalists using the social media are closer both geographically and culturally and they offer more insights into the stories they cover than traditional media reporters who may not have any relation with an issue to be reported. These are just a few of the numerous reasons that account for the public perception of the traditional media as less effective as compared to the new media of citizen journalism
iv) Again citizen journalists use of social media segments the audience by offering alternative dimensions. This is to say, diverse information on the social platform allows the audience to choose topics or subjects of interests. For instance there are blogs on fashions, entertainment, food and nutrition. The traditional media on the other hand are restricted to their programme line up.
v) Inasmuch as the traditional media is limited in reaching the audience, the social media has a wide reach and gets to audiences worldwide.
       Moreover, though positive, the use of social media by citizen journalists also affects the quality of news produced by traditional media by way of their contribution. A traditional media house trying to be first in news may break a story without the necessary details to back the story. Citizen journalists through the social media may contribute pictures and videos to support that story.
      The traditional media houses see these activities of the citizen journalist as a threat to their course, hence the strategies they are putting in place to meet the changing trend. The traditional media too must behave like the hunter to be able to keep up the pace.
                Already the traditional media has recognized the good works of citizen journalists in news production and they are strategically incorporating the citizen journalist into their media houses. It is now very common to find traditional media join the social media to allow the public also contribute to their programmes.
              There is also an introduction of phone-in and texting in order to connect to the audience and share views, comments and feedbacks.
             The traditional media are strategizing to meet the changing trends by joining the social media. This aids in overcoming the issues of timeliness and fleeting information. Examples are, and
          Finally, they give out programme outlines by categorizing activities of the day and allotting times they will be broadcast for audiences to choose their preferences.

Jay Rosen (14). "A Most Useful Definition of Citizen Journalism". Press Think. Retrieved 21 May 2012
Anderson, P. (Feb. 2007)What is Web 2.0? Ideas, Technologies and Implications for Education (JISC Technology & Standards Watch).
H. Kietzmann, Jan; Kristopher Hermkens (2011). "Social media? Get serious! Understanding the functional building blocks of social media". Business Horizons 54: 241–251.
Dan Gillmor, We the Media: Grassroots Journalism by the People, for the People (O’Reilly Media, 2004)


Tuesday, September 17, 2013


 African Youth
The appropriate role of the youth in our Ghanaian society to nation building has been a subject of controversy for some time now, as there is no clearly defined role given to them in matters pertaining to nation building.

In my opinion, two schools of thought have emerged in the light of these debates. Those who doubt the readiness and capacity of the youth to nation building and therefore take centre stage in advocating for a nation controlled by the elderly.

The other group is those who believe that the youth has a significant stake in nation building, considering the number of youths in the world and therefore advocate for a greater participation in nation building.
Indeed, the importance or role of the youth to nation building was given an impetus, boost or credence when President John Dramani Mahama aptly put-forward a challenge to the youth of Ghana to be an active part in nation building .He stated unequivocally “take ownership of this country, and join in the authorship of its story”. He further called on the youth to leave a mark on the blank pages of Ghana’s history in his New Year message or address to Ghanaians on 31st December, 2012.

Equally instructive is the comments made by former UN secretary General Kofi Annan that “young people are key agents of development and must be at the forefront of global change and innovation” in an interview with Joy FM on February 2, 2013.
With Ghana’s present population estimated at a little over 24million per the 2010 population census and those between 15-35 constituting more than 50 percent of the total population, it is understandable why there is an upsurge in the advocacy for greater participation of the youth in nation building.

For the purposes of this article, it is important to count all those between ages 15-35 as my definition of youth which comprises students, employees, workers, farmers and persons from various professions including the unemployed-educated or otherwise.
This classification stems from the fact that the definitions of the specific age range that constitute youth vary. This is evidenced by the fact that an individual’s actual maturity may not correspond to their chronological age, as immature individuals can exist at all ages.
Undoubtedly, these people constitute a large force, they are energetic, smart, enthusiastic and full of zeal and willing to deliver quality work on time but, unfortunately majority of these young folks are without direction, obviously because our nation has not made the needed efforts to align them appropriately.
Indeed, there is no denying the fact that allowing them to remain idle without any way of contributing to nation building has a detrimental effect on the progress of our nation and the eventual increase in their frustration thereby leading to youthful waywardness.
Arguably, a large number of them are capable, devoted, dedicated and are fond of work. Their inability to contribute to engender nation building is as a result of their being without any worthwhile job and the reality of not given avenue to realize the depth of their potential.
It is definitely not good news to our nation if these energetic hands and brains are not provided with some sort of work to meet the demands of our nation. No nation I dare say, in the 21st century will permit such wastage and Ghana must wake up from its slumber.

 Indeed, I recollect vividly the remarks made by my childhood friend, Chrispin Ajedipe, a final year Petroleum Engineering student of Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST), Kumasi, when he shared his thoughts on the role of the youth in nation building.
Interestingly, he indicated that “the problem is not with the youth but with our nation, what Ghana needs to do is to take the youth into confidence, give them a direction, for their energy is overwhelming”, interesting remarks folks!

Equally significant is the remarks made by Ralph Dinko, P.R.O of the International Youth council (IYC) Ghana chapter on the role of the youth in nation building. He indicated that “the youth should be more interested in education since education is the fulcrum or pivot around which the whole nation revolves.” Arguably what he sought to imply was that when the youth have access to education they can contribute significantly to nation building.

Their remarks undoubtedly remind me of the statement made by Pablo Picasso (1881-1973) that “Give me a museum and I’ll fill it.” Indeed, I couldn’t agree less with my good friends because, I am one of the few youth advocates who have never doubted the capacity of the youth.
Let me put on record that; Ghanaian youth have never lag behind when called to duty or meet a challenge. It is therefore, for our national leaders to play their part by mobilizing our energies and abilities and give us a clearly defined direction where we can contribute to nation building.

Interestingly, am not oblivious of what advocates and pundits of the first school of thought (which I will call anti-youth) will say or are saying, that the youth’s inability to contribute to nation building is as a result of youthful waywardness or negative youthful exuberance and the youth apathetic attitude towards nation building.

I want to state here and now, that let there be no doubt about our strength, power and capability to significantly contribute in changing the fortunes of our nation and determining its destiny. Our counterparts elsewhere have changed governments in their countries, contributed significantly to policy formulation and direction and contributed in various ways in making the world a better place to live. The creation of face book and twitter are cases in point.

In the coming weeks am going to take cursory look at ways in which the youth of Ghana can contribute to nation building. Emphasis will be made on their role in agricultural and entrepreneurial development, conflict prevention and peace building, environmental sustainability and the role in the promotion of science, research and technology.