Thursday, December 26, 2013


There is no denying the fact that resources, especially financial ought to be available if any volunteerism of any sort must work successful. Even though in volunteerism, those who take part are not expected to be paid but it is equally true that they must be given some sort of allowance to sustain them in terms of feeding, lodging and transportation during the volunteerism period.
 Youth in voluntary service
As part of a series of articles that looks at the role young people and for that matter the youth can play in nation building. Today’s article will take a cursory look at how the youth of mother Ghana  can contribute significantly to nation building through volunteerism and patriotism. Two key ingredients essential to nation building.
Indeed, Volunteerism is used globally as a tool for developing active citizens, fostering national cohesion, and creating opportunities for skills development and application among the young people. There is the need to make volunteerism attractive to young people and inspire patriotism to contribute to building mother Ghana.
Indeed, if there is any group of people that are active, energetic, strong and filled with all the energy, it is the youth .but many of the times the potential, skills or this exceptional and much talked about energy is not harnessed to promote development or growth.
I must say without any iota of doubt in my mind that one way this energy and skills and potential of the youth can be used effectively is through volunteerism.
Indeed, many will argue that there is already a sort of volunteerism in place for the youth of Ghana through the establishment of the national service scheme (NSS). A compulsory six months attachment or service to the nation after tertiary education. Yes, this to some extent enables majority of the youth to contribute their quota to the service and development of their nation but it has many challenges and loopholes which must be addressed. The kind of volunteerism am talking about should be holistic and not restricted to only the tertiary sector but at all levels of the educational spectrum. Now this article will explore how the youth can contribute to building our nation Ghana through volunteerism and volunteerism and what role the government can play to ensure that this becomes a reality.
To promote volunteerism and patriotism among the youth of Ghana. The Government  in collaboration with other stakeholders will have to take the following measures;
First and foremost, resources ought to be allocated to youth volunteerism .
Secondly, facilitate private sector support for youth volunteerism. The private sector must also be roped in any attempts to promote volunteerism and nation building. The private sector must be encouraged to support youth volunteerism initiatives financially and in kind. It is not a hidden fact that this sector has a huge financial muscle and potential that is capable of supporting youth volunteerism across the nation.
Also, efforts must be made by the government to include youth volunteerism in all levels of the educational programmes. The current situation in our nation is that only those who finish tertiary engage in the national service. This trend must be reversed to include all levels of the educational spectrum, those at the secondary level and other levels must be encouraged to take part in volunteering activities during the holidays, particularly the long vacs and the ministry of education must take charge to inculcate this as part of the curricula such that extra grade points or marks could be obtained by those who engage in such initiatives. 
Then again, inculcate the spirit of patriotism and volunteerism
Lastly, Develop leadership potentials among the youth through volunteerism.

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